Uber Mobs

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Uber Mobs are a new type of mob added in the 3.1 update. Each planet has its own Uber mob that is summoned by finding and activating their altar. They are double the size of a normal mob and some can call on minions to help them out. When they are destroyed, they drop the altar jewel in addition to their loot. This can be attacked and destroyed. These mobs are not to be taken lightly and you must have proper armor and weapons needed in order to tackle them.

Due to the way mobs react to weapons, as well as the fact that weapons can be continually spammed like tools to deal massive damage in a short amount of time, one can find these uber mobs easy to kill and do so very quickly.

One of the easiest reliable armor to obtain early in the game is the Cured Blue Leather Armor. Each set gives a collective total of 28% defence to all types of damage, 25% bonus attack damage of all types, and a total of 40% movement in any aspect, allowing for decent defence and reliable movement.

One of the easiest and most powerful weapons to obtain is the Ivory Sword. Its ingredients are 4 Ivory Bones and a single Gold Ingot. Ivory bones are very abundant in the planet Yuca.

Destroying bones found on the surface will yield one or more ivory bones and very easily craft an Ivory Sword. This sword deals 2.3 slash damage, similar to a Titanium Sword, has 400 durability points and has a range of 3 blocks.

What makes this an excellent weapon to use against uber mobs is the fact that it has .20 life steal, adding the very fast rate of clicking when attacking a mob will deal massive damage and practically no damage to you in return.

Pay absolute attention to your surroundings before fighting. Make sure that caves around you are lit up with torches as Uber Mobs have the ability to destroy blocks around you. If an uber mob destroys a dark cave, you might get swarmed with mobs that will heavilly distract you from the uber mob and potentially kill you. Likewise, an uber mob can burst an acid or lava pocket and start pouring lava. Worst case scenario is that you kill the uber mob above a lava flow and burn its items away. Lastly, an uber mob can destroy blocks below you. Should a cave be beneath it, you might fall to your death.

Make sure the place is relatively flat with a few elevated blocks. Fight the uber mob a few blocks in an elevated position to reach its minions easier and kill them faster. Also remember to make a wall opposite to where you are in order to corner him and allow yourself to spam click the uber mob until its death. Simply put, its ideal to fight the uber mob in a closed space, with your side having enough space to retreat when needed.

With these reasons stated, it is imperative that you check your surroundings before you start a fight.




Uber Mob Altars are found very rarely underground on all planets, either in Adventure Mode or in Stand-Alone Worlds. There are on average 4-5 per normal world and emit a faint white light. Only Mithril Hammers or other hammers of higher quality can destroy altars. When an altar is being broken, the screen will shake. Once altars are broken, the Uber Mob of the respective world you're on will appear and start to attack you. Killing an Uber Mob will drop one of its 5 item sets and a potion, and the altar jewel will appear, which can be killed again. Its significance is still unknown, however, it appears to be the same jewel inside of the corresponding altar.



Kelsior.png File:KelsiorSword.png Pink Bats.png


Kelsior is a giant golden knight armed with a pink sword found on Terra. It resembles the Gold Skeleton Knight that spawns in underground Libraries. The name Kelsior is most likely made up and shows no connection to knights in general.

Battle Info and Tips

Once the Altar is broken, Kelsior wiill spawn along with pink bats. He will then start to throw projectiles in your direction. These projectiles can destroy blocks and items placed by the player.

The proper way to deal with this Uber Mob is to have the following:
-Weapon with life steal
-Armor with more than 10% defence
-More than 80 Health
-(Optional) Potions
-(Optional) Food

As soon as Kelsior is spawned, quickly kill as many bats as you can. You shouldnt worry about the damage you might receive as your lifesteal will quickly regenerate your lost health. Once all the bats are taken care off, quickly drive Kelsior to a wall and spam your sword until he finally dies. Again, the damage you might receive from his projectiles wont matter because of your lifesteal. If youre still having trouble with this boss, bringing potions to buff your character up and some emergency food may help.

It may be ideal to place a bed a few blocks above the location to quickly retrieve items and/or return to battle in the event that you die.


Interface Hotslot.png
I Medium Health Potion.png

Medium Healing Potion

Interface Hotslot.png
I Large Health Potion.png

Large Healing Potion

Interface Hotslot.png
I Stone Essence.png

Stone Essence

Altar Orb

Interface Hotslot.png
I Kelsior Helm.png

Kelsior Helm

Interface Hotslot.png
I Kelsior Chest.png

Kelsior Chest

Interface Hotslot.png
I Kelsior Legs.png

Kelsior Legs

Interface Hotslot.png
I Kelsior Feet.png

Kelsior Feet

Interface Hotslot.png
I Kelsior Weapon.png

Kelsior Sword



Horus.png HorusStaff.png


Horus resembles the ancient Egyptian god [Horus], associated with mummification. Horus and can be found on Seth. Horus appears to be an Egyptian deity with the head of a Bird and the body of a man. He holds a cane along with his staff. Oddly enough Horus has three ear piercings however, there is research showing that this was uncommon in Ancient Egypt.

Battle Info and Tips

Horus spawns with a number of squid-like mobs around him, much like Kelsior. He also shoots projectiles that can damage and destroy blocks, much like Kelsior. As such, a proper prepation is similar.

-Weapon with life steal
-Armor with more than 10% defence
-More than 80 Health
-(Optional) Potions
-(Optional) Food

Like Kelsior, as soon as he spawns, quickly kill off the squid-like mobs that spawn with him. Once this is done, quickly drive him to a corner, make quick work of him by using your weapon with life steal until he dies.


Interface Hotslot.png
I Horus Helm.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I Horus Weapon.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I Medium Health Potion.png



Germstriker.png UmbraStaff.png


Germstriker resembles [Frankenstein's Monster] from Mary Shelly's Classic Horror. Presumably found on Umbra. Germstriker wears a purple tattered shirt, blue pants and brown boots. Germstriker has Red Eyes and the signature bolts in his neck like Frankenstein's Monster. Germstriker probably should see a dentist.

Battle Info and Tips


Interface Hotslot.png
I UmbraBoss Helm.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I UmbraBoss Chest.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I UmbraBoss Legs.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I Medium Health Potion.png



Webclaw.png AlbaStaff.png


Webclaw is a Giant Blue Spider that can be found on Alba. This seems out of the ordinary however, since Blue Spiders are found on Xeno. It is also inaccurate to call Webclaw a spider since it only has four eyes and five legs. Webclaw cannot climb so building a room with platforms will suffice as an arena. Webclaw does not use his weapon, so it relies on its minions and spitting web-like projectiles.

Battle Info and Tips


Interface Hotslot.png
I WebClaw Helm.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I Webclaw Feet.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I Webclaw Weapon.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I Medium Health Potion.png



Squirch.png File:ThetisTrident.png


Squrich appears to be a larger purple Gnawler. Like other enemies on Thetis He has gills and fins along with a fish mouth. This does not however explain his pants. He wields a Double-sided Trident associated with the Greek God [Poseidon]. This makes sense since Poseidon is the God of the sea in Classical Mythology.

Battle Info and Tips


Interface Hotslot.png
I TorBoss Chest.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I TorBoss Legs.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I ThetisBoss Weapon.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I Medium Health Potion.png

found on Thetis



Griever.png YucaMaul.png


Griever is a beefy orc-like creature resembling the Armored Belly Tribals, adorned with the typical gold and ivory ornaments of Yuca thought to originate in Central America. He wears a skull necklace, ivory pauldrons on each shoulder, and a Gold Band on both his arms. Greiver has Green Eyes, a prominent Gold nose ring, and Tusks.

Battle Info and Tips


Interface Hotslot.png
I YucaBoss Helm.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I YucaBoss Legs.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I YucaBoss Feet.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I Medium Health Potion.png

Presumably found on Yuca



Kratios.png XenoStaff.png


Kratios sticks to the SciFi theme of Xeno with his purple skin, huge Green eyes, and his many head tentacles. Kratios has silver claws, and a green gem between his eyes. Kraitos shares many of his traits with the Purple Murks of Xeno.

Battle Info and Tips


Interface Hotslot.png
I XenoBoss Helm.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I XenoBoss Legs.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I XenoBoss Feet.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I Medium Health Potion.png

Presumably found on Xeno



MykonBoss.png MykonSword.png


Kroptor resembles a mosquito with its large orange eyes,Large red antennae, and pincer-like mouth, much like the Purple Anthers of Mykon It shares the Blue Diamond Emblem on its chest with its sword. Kroptor wears heavy purple armor along with a red cape, speculated to be wings. Mykon's association between mushrooms and insects, may be due to the hive-like nature of both organisms. Kroptor shares a resemblance with the Ultrabeast Pokémon [Buzzwole].

Battle Info and Tips


Interface Hotslot.png
I MykonBoss Helm.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I MykonBoss Feet.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I MykonBoss Weapon.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I Medium Health Potion.png



Coldshadow.png CryoSword.png


Coldshadow shares many traits with the Cold Shadow Lurkers of Cryo except being bigger and having longer silver claws. Coldshadow is Massive, and is the biggest Uber Mob in the game. He has large blue eyes, a gaping mouth, and is covered in large silver spikes. Coldshadow also appears to have 6 claws on each hand. Someone should loan him their fingernail clippers. The diamond on his sword appears to be similar to the one on MykonBoss's.

Battle Info and Tips


Interface Hotslot.png
I CryoBoss Helm.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I cryoBoss Chest.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I CryoBoss Legs.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I CryoBoss Feet.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I Medium Health Potion.png



Infernus.png MagmarStaff.png


Infernus is a Tall Red Skeleton-Like Demon with four red eyes, shriveled dark red skin, prominent shoulder epaulets, and sharp claws on his hands and feet. Infernus has a gaping mouth with few teeth much like the Uber Mobs from Cryo and Umbra. Infernus shares some similarities with the Soul Rippers of Magmar. Infernus uses a large staff with a red orb at the point. It appears to be fixed around a bone of some kind.

Battle Info and Tips


Interface Hotslot.png
I MagmarBoss Chest.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I MagmarBoss Legs.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I MagmarBoss Feet.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I MagmarBoss Weapon.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I Medium Health Potion.png



File:LilithBoss.png LilithWeapon.png


Gutstriker shares some similarities with the Skexotons of Lilith, appearing to almost be an upgrade of some sort. Gutstriker is an Ancient Skeleton powered with Bright Red Cords from an unknown power source. His battery powers his Glowing red eyes, and his dual arm cannons. Speculated to have two battle modes, one as a whole, and another after he has been cut in half after too much damage. In His second form his cords have been severed and he crawls on the floor instead. Gutstriker shares many traits with [Skeletron Prime] from [Terraria].

Battle Info and Tips


Interface Hotslot.png
I LilithBoss Helm.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I LilithBoss Chest.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I LilithBoss Legs.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I Medium Health Potion.png



Rusttalon.png (Weapon File is missing In-Game)


Rusttalon appears to be an ancient zombie-like king, with a purple head, green eyes, large orange horns, and full orange body armor with purple epaulets. Not Much is known about him thus far. He is from tor and is very powerful, maybe the most powerful

Battle Info and Tips


Interface Hotslot.png
I TorBoss HelmReal.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I TorBoss ChestReal.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I ToBoss FeetReal.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I TorBoss Weapon.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I Medium Health Potion.png