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Zombies are hostile mobs found mostly on Terra. Some zombies have the ability to throw objects, while others just deal damage by walking into the player. Most zombies can be harmed and even killed from sunlight, while a few are completely immune to sunlight damage. There are currently 11 types of zombies: Regular, Cupid, Frost, Ghost, Meat Thrower, Miner, Jungle, Space, Green Spore, Purple Spore, and Prison. Every zombie is about as tall as the player.


B Zombie.png
B Dirt.png

Regular zombies are some of the first zombies a player may encounter when first playing the game.
They have no special ability and deal minor damage to the player.
They can take damage and be killed when exposed to direct sunlight.


Miner Zombies

B Miner Zombie.png
B Stone.png

Miner zombies are only found underground (commonly in mineshafts) on Terra.
They have the ability to throw pickaxes at the player. They appear to be regular zombies wearing safety helmets.
These zombies are one of two zombies that are immune to damage from the sunlight allowing them to roam the surface even during the day.


Jail Zombie

B Prison Zombie.png
B Stone.png

Prison zombies are most commonly found in the Prison Biome on Terra.
They can take damage and be killed when exposed to sunlight.


Ghost Zombie

They can be found deep underground.
They are long range weak zombies that have the ability to throw purple skulls at the player (Approx. 3 skulls/sec).
These zombies are immune from sunlight which makes them more hazardous.


Meat Thrower Zombies

Meat Thrower Zombies are the most common of the zombies.
The zombies hurl meat at the player (Approx. 2 objects/sec) and spawn anywhere underground.
They can take damage and be killed when exposed to sunlight.


NOTICE: PC version has different looks.

Frost Zombies

Frost zombies are the only zombies found on Cryo.
They are high on HP and use swords to deal more damage than regular zombies.


Jungle Zombies

Jungle zombies are the only zombies found on Yuca. These zombies have brown skin, are covered in vines, and carry around a dagger/spear?, allowing them to do more damage. They take damage and can be killed when exposed to direct sunlight. Drops:

Zombie Cupids

Zombie Cupids are found on Terra, but only during the Valentine's Holiday. These zombies wear a toga and 'fake' wings on their back, and carry around a bow, allowing them to do damage at range. They take damage and can be killed when exposed to direct sunlight. Drops:

Space Zombies

Space Zombies are the only zombies found on Lilith.
It is a stronger type of zombie that attacks in melee range.


Purple Spore Zombie

They are found on planet Mykon.
They are short range weak creatures that throw purple spores at you (Approximately 2 spores/sec).


Green Spore Zombie

They are found on planet Mykon.
They are long range weak creatures that throw purple spores at you (Approximately 4 spores/sec).


Purple Zombie

They are found on planet Umbra.
They are weak creatures just like normal zombies.


See Also
