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All Tribals are found on planet Yuca. Tribals are very powerful and can do lots of damage to the player.

Armored Belly Tribal

B Armored Belly Tribal.png
B Ivory Stone.png

Armored Belly Tribal can be found on planet Yuca.
They are melee range that deal medium amount of damage but have low health.


King Belly Tribal

B King Belly Tribal.png
B Ivory Stone.png

King Belly Tribal can be found on planet Yuca.
The King Belly Tribal is very similar to the Armored Belly Tribal, but it has a red dyed face, white hair and orange belly, and also wields a spear.
They are melee range High Health mobs that deal medium amount of damage.


Demon Tribal

B Demon Tribal.png
B Ivory Stone.png

Demon Tribals can be found on planet Yuca.
Demon Tribals are also very strong, and they throw small green zombie heads (4 heads/sec) that can inflict serious damage.


Ripper Tribals

B Brown Ripper Tribal.png
B Spear Ripper Tribal.png
B Violet Ripper Tribal.png
B Ivory Stone.png
B Ivory Stone.png
B Ivory Stone.png

These tribal creatures are very strong. The only differences between the 3 different types are the different colors and their abilities. All Ripper Tribals appear to be wearing masks.

Brown Ripper Tribal

B Brown Ripper Tribal.png
B Ivory Stone.png

Brown Ripper Tribal can be found on planet Yuca.
Brown Ripper Tribals are ranged combat mobs that have the ability to throw Red Orb Shurikens (2 orbs/5 sec) that can rebound off walls once before vanishing or hitting the player.
When they run out of Shurikens they attack the player in close melee combat before the refill their ammo again.


Spear Ripper Tribal

B Spear Ripper Tribal.png
B Ivory Stone.png

Spear Ripper Tribals can be found on planet Yuca.
Brown Ripper Tribals are melee combat mobs.


Violet Ripper Tribal

B Violet Ripper Tribal.png
B Ivory Stone.png

Violet Ripper Tribals are found on planet Yuca.
Although they are in the standard form of Ripper Tribal, they do the least damage of all of the Ripper Tribals.
