Pocket Animals

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Pocket animals, also called pets, are the inventory equivalent of some animals, generally obtained by tapping the animal with a Taming Collar.
Most can be put in a stable, which allows them to breed, or simply roam about your house to add a bit of life.

All pocket animals can be placed into your character's trinket slot, which will spawn a pet version of the animal.
This pet will follow you where-ever you go and keep you company on long trips. You can't kill it.

Pocket animals can be divided into 4 major categories.

Farm Animals: These can be tamed and bred to produce resources such as meat, wool, and eggs. They have stables.

Pets: These are more rare. They can be tamed and bred, but have no beneficial item drops, and so are more for companionship. They have stables.

Rare Pets: These are very rare. They can't be obtained by using a taming collar on the relative creature. Instead, they are rare drops from Underground Chests. These pets can't be stabled or bred. Some provide stat boosts when equipped in the trinket slot. Some of them don't have an equivalent mob.

iAP Pets: These are unique pets that can only be obtained by purchasing them with real money from the game store. These pets can't be stabled or bred. Some provide stat boosts when equipped in the trinket slot. They don't have equivalent mobs.

Craftable Pets These are pets that must be crafted. They are very hard to make and they don't have equivalent mobs. They can't be captured in the wild.