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There are 5 different types of Crocodiles. These creatures are found on Seth, Alba, Cryo and Magmar

Green Crocodiles

They can be found on Seth. They are green in color and act like Iguanas.


Magenta Crocodiles

B Magenta Crocodile.png
B Cracked Gray Rock.png

They can be found on Alba. They are red in color and they are very similar to Green Crocodiles.


Cyan Frost Crocodiles

They can be found on Cryo. They are silver in color with blue spiked manes.


cyan fluo fin

Magenta Frost Crocodiles

They can be found on Cryo. They are brown in color with pink spiked manes.

Bold text===Drops=== magenta fluo fin

Green Jungle Crocodiles

B Green Jungle Crocodile.png
B Ivory Stone.png

They can be found on Yuca. They have blue eyes with what it seems to be leaves wrapped around their body.


  • Green Fin
  • Crocodile Tooth
  • Crocodile Tail