Wood Wall

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Wood Walls are blocks that are crafted at the Woodworker Bench. Currently, there are eight different types of wood walls. They can be placed in both the background and the foreground. The most efficient way to destroy these blocks is by using an axe.


Crafted with two of the same type of wood board.

Woodworker Bench Interface.png
Crafted Using
Woodworker Bench


I Null.png
I Null.png
I Null.png
I Wood Board.png
I Wood Board.png
I Null.png
I Null.png
I Null.png
I Null.png
I Wood Wall.png




There are several different types of wood walls you can craft.

  • Bright Wood

File:B Bright Wood Wall.png

  • Light Wood

B Light Wood Wall.png

Interface Hotslot.png
I Light Wood Wall.png
  • Wood

B Wood Wall.png

Interface Hotslot.png
I Wood Wall.png
  • Dark Wood

B Dark Wood Wall.png

Interface Hotslot.png
I Dark Wood Wall.png
  • Ebony

B Ebony Wood Wall.png

Interface Hotslot.png
I Ebony Wood Wall.png
  • White

B White Wood Wall.png

Interface Hotslot.png
I White Wood Wall.png
  • Green

B Green Wood Wall.png

Interface Hotslot.png
I Green Wood Wall.png
  • Gray
Interface Hotslot.png
I Gray Wood Wall.png