Wiki To-Do

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This page is meant to document the current priorities of active wiki editors, and let others know what articles could use work if they don't know how to contribute. If you have any questions, see the #wiki-edits channel in the Junk Jack Discord or contact Farantha or Connorsseur on Discord.

  • Uploading missing images (please make sure item sprites are 32x32 achieved by a 200% nearest neighbor upscaling. And PLEASE follow naming conventions-- Items start with "I_" and blocks "B_") See Pages with broken file links for a list of them. There's still over 800.
    • See File:Treasures_organized_wiki.png for a (semi) organized version of the game's spritesheet for uploading images to the wiki. Images are already cleanly upscaled on the file, so copying them to separate 32x32 canvases and exporting with the appropriate names is the only necessary step when using it.
  • Items without pages listed on Crafting Recipes need them.
  • Items missing crafting recipes on their pages need them.