User talk:PotatoNinja

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Have anything to say to me? Have a question? Just write it right here.

Adding articles

Can you give me some tips? It can be about annything.

Try to add as many links and images as you can (although only add a link to a page once). I would recommend checking the the recent changes page to see what to edit, and try to expand on all of the shortest pages. Images you upload must be 32x32 (items), or 60x60 (blocks and mobs). If you want to know more about templates, click Here. Just ask if you need any help at all.

Every page must include

  • {{JJX}} at the top of every page
  • Capitalized links (they are cAsE sensitive)
  • Images / templates (if any)
  • Crafting recipes (if any)

And you understand what <br/> does right?

Hey potato thanks for marking the spam pages ;). I shall swing my banhammer upon them. ~ian

"Deleted" pages are pages which have been altered in two fashions: 1: Another cobtributer moved it, therefore "deleting" content. Essentially a Copy/Paste with a different name page 2: The page was actually deleted by an administrator or beaureaucrat.

-2539 Woo 05:16, 27 June 2014 (CEST)

Well if you're referring to the summary I wrote on the "Medium Healing Potions Page", then I should probably tell you what I was talking about. Before I added a redirect to the Healing Potions page, a deletion log appeared telling me that a page with the exact same content (#redirect Healing Potions) was previously deleted by Twelvefoot. I was just hesitating to recreate the page because of the message.

But if you're referring to something else, then I will take note of what you have written.

I'm sorry for my mistake in the scorpions page. I was testing if it was possible to add each mob of the scorpion page in the enemy category not the whole page. Also, I have added a "Rats" page, please do add pictures if you can.

It's fine. I'll add the pictures of the rats as soon as possible.

Thank you. There are also other mobs from Critters at the Category:Mobs page who don't have pictures.

I will try to add those as well, however I generally add images after making an edit to a page myself. Oh and please try to use the spawn eggs in the creative menu as a reference for the mob pages you are creating. At times it can be rather challenging to make sense of which mob you are trying to refer to (e.g. the rats page...). And thank you very much for all you have contributed to the wiki

I'm sorry, I never thought of getting the names from the Creative mod, I though they where created randomly, like the slime that is called Grumpy for example. I'll go check that out for some mobs I clearly don't know their names but their abilities and drops. This should increase the progress :D

Great :) Just ask if you need any more help. But please note: Some of the mob names in the creative menu can be reversed for easier listing, such as the Huge Green Slime, which is written as "Slime Huge Green" in the game. However some of the other names have been swapped around, such as the worm and snake mobs.

I was worried to ask you about the names in creative mod which are like Brute Ogre Blue.. Thank you in advance to inform me that, I have wrote it correct for the blue, I'm not sure about the leather and the knight.

To be honest I'm not quite sure about the brute ogres either. Just go with what you think it could be. And if you're making a mob page, try to include information about it's appearance, any special abilities it has and where or when it can be found (e.g. undeground at night on yuca). If you need me to add some more images, just ask.

I have written on a notebook the mobs I have faced threw my jouney with funny names until now I can find their names in creative. Now I can fulfill the empty pages of this wiki with all the mobs in the game. I don't know some of the mobs appearance, special abilities or drops, but now I can finally find out. Do add images for the mob pages I'm going to add :D

Just like to let you know that there are images, in png form, based on each object in the game files if you are able to open the game in the program that it has been created. this could help you upload a better quality images I think. - GHAFRI

Unfortunately I will need to scale the images as well, which will end up blurring the image anyways. I have only just found out how to remove the blur, which is to set the interpolation setting to "none", which simply enlargens the pixels in the images (I downloaded GIMP). Hopefully from now on the images will be of much better quality. Tell me what you think of the images I upload. Thanks!

Not sure how to compare the difference, but I think TwelveFoot can give the best advice. \<(._.)>/

Well if you looked up a file that I uploaded, say "File:B_Ice_Spider.png", you can see that it is rather blurry in the preview. Although the blur generally can not be seen at its actual size (i.e. 60x60), it would probably be better without blur. But if you searched "File:B_Gree_Bombroach.png", you can see that the image is much clearer. And again, if you ever need help with a page, feel free to ask.

I do know how to add simple stuffs in a page, but I don't know how to describe them clearly or add pictures. Besides, Im currently working on the first generation iPad IOS 5.1.1, so it's kind of hard to edit the pages. That's all xD.

I'd like to suggest adding pictures of each mob under their names in Category Mobs page to help the players who are searching for a certain mob recognize it from the picture and press on the link, or make the pictures itself the link to the page. Lots of us don't know the names. How are they going to search for it then? XD

I tried that once, but the page looked really messy. I will need to ask twelvefoot for help with the formatting, so I could somehow align the mobs next to each other, let's say 4 per row. But I'll try the pictures for now.

It's okay for now, however pictures for the mobs are mostly needed. I'm almost finished with all the mobs in the game, only few left that need their own pages and they are done. The rest to add are the correct describe, drops and pictures.

Aha, Now I can see the difference in quality between the 2 Turkey's.

You can thank GIMP for that. And as for uploading images to the wiki, I don't think it's possible to access and edit the resource files on an iPad. I could still tell you if you like.

I haven't tried uploading pictures, but it's clearly working fine to edit pages on the iPad, even though I have the first generation (Considered Old). Using safari btw.

Alright then. Do you know what the name of the mob I just uploaded is? (File:B_??_Boar.png)

Don't know yet, I'm going back to them. Though, After Adding all the mobs, I'll try adding mob logic like mobs who who cant jump one block above, and some who avoid traps. It will take time but easier.

I agree, however TwelveFoot deleted other pages that confused players between an item and a mob like this case, we have Octopus and Octopus Limb. I guess that's why there is an "s" after each mob just in case.

The "s" is only there if there is more than one type of the mob on the page, such as Skeletons and Zombies, as both have more than one type of the mob on the page. I changed the "Octopuses" page to "Octopus" because there is currently only one type of octopus in the game. If that isn't what you were talking about then I'm sorry.

Ok, I understand now :) After some research, I think I figured out how to align pictures of mobs next to each other like 10 in a line and pressing on them will take you to the page of each mob. If you can add mob link pictures to the rest planets (Magamar, Cyro and Alba (Critters)), that would be great. If its enough for you just to add pictures of the missing mobs that will also be great. Regards for now :D

I'm actually doing that right now, along with some of the files from the "wanted files" page.

Thanks. For the missing File Purple Worms, I added the S because in the page Worms we don't have an image for the purple worm and someone confused between worms and critter snakes which he added the purple worm as a worm not critter snake, so there should be a purple worm picture, not the one from critter snakes. Also, to add a different name within the link of Template B, all you have to do is add whatever you want between the ||. Example:

Now make it to:


Thank you so much!

Regarding that template thing, it's not so much a template as it is just a user project. Also, I think... They might have went MIA?
-2539 Woo 20:33, 22 October 2014 (CEST)

Oh. I just thought it would be nice to have these features. Is it actually possible to release a user project as an official template though? I find this one very helpful.

Err, no. I don't really have any portals beside Seth, I'm stripping planets clean. That and I'm working on my own stuff and gathering reagents for information.
-2539 Woo 21:11, 1 January 2015 (CET)

Alright then. If you know anyone that does have some, then please tell me. And if you do ever come across some, could you send it in a email (as a world file; my game center is messed up)