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B Stone.png

Interface Hotslot.png
I Stone.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I Compact Stone.png
Interface Hotslot.png
I Thick Stone.png
Solid? Yes
Transparent? No
Light None
Planet Terra
Biome Not found in biomes
Minimum tool Bare Hands (0)
Drops Stone
Rare drops

Stone is the most abundant block on Terra. It doesn't require any tool to be mined and in being so, Wood Tools can be skipped. There are two kinds of Stone, the block as shown below and a darker, harder version of Stone which will at least require a Stone Pickaxe.

B Stone.png

When mined, Stone will drop its secondary version of Stone which can be used to make Stone Tools.
When this type of stone is placed, it has a loose gravelly look.

Interface Hotslot.png
I Stone.png

B Loose Stone.png

When in its secondary form, Stone can be put into a Mason Bench to make Compact Stone, which can't be used to make tools, but has the smooth look of the original unmined stone when placed. Compact Stone cannot be re-mined to receive Stone so choose carefully!

Interface Hotslot.png
I Compact Stone.png