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Slutches are hostile mobs that resemble swamp monsters and are found on Thetis.

Green Slutch

B Green Slutch.png
B Rose Stone.png

Green Slutch can be found on planet Thetis.
They are weak melee when attacked.
Green Slutch have no special abilities like the other Slutches.


Purple Spear Slutch

B Purple Spear Slutch.png
B Rose Stone.png

Purple Spear Slutch can be found on planet Thetis.
They are weak ranged attackers when attacked very close.
Purple Spear Slutches throw what appear to be water blocks (2 blocks/sec) however they miss the player in a very close range.


Red King Slutch

B Red Slutch King.png
B Rose Stone.png

Red Kings Slutch can be found on planet Thetis.
They are very weak ranged mobs.
They have the ability to throw small golden looking forks (3 forks/sec) that actually misses the player when attacked in a very close range.
