Sharpening Stone

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A Sharpening Stone can be crafted using the Tinkerer's Tools bench after their recipe papers have been collected. These stones restore the durability of damaged weapons and tools. There are three main stones that can be crafted: Copper, Gold, or Titanium. Each repairs a tool by a certain amount with Copper fixing the lowest and Titanium fixing the most. It serves as an end game feature that allows you to keep using high powered, encrusted weapons and tools. The sharpening stone is destroyed after repairing a weapon or tool.

The amount of uses restored via. each stone is as follows:

  • Copper: 100
  • Gold: 300
  • Titanium: 1000

The crafting recipe requires one bar of either Copper, Gold, or Titanium in the center with a Bronze bar on either side diagonally. 4 stone is then used above and below the bar. This is one of the few uses for bronze within the game, making it important not to smelt all of your copper into ingots!

An example with gold bar