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The sword is a tool used for combat when fighting mobs.
The better material used to make the sword affects the power and durability.
O-Cut Gems can be embedded, or Encrusted, into a crafted sword to give it a special ability.
Different materials can be used to make different swords:
For a list of what the different specs are, look in Guides, at the bottom.
Crafted Swords
Wooden Sword
WoodSword.png Made from O-Wood.
- Power 1
- Durability 48
- Range 1
Stone Sword
Made from O-Stone.
- Power 1.1
- Durability 96
- Range 1
For Copper or higher you need to be near an anvil.
Copper Sword
Made from copper ingot.
- Power 1.2
- Durability 96
- Range 2
Iron Sword
Made from iron ingot.
- Power 1.3
- Durability 128
- Range 2
Silver Sword
Made from silver ingot.
- Power 1.4
- Durability 196
- Range 2
Golden Sword
Made from gold ingot.
- Power 1.5
- Durability 128
- Range 3
Mithril Sword
Made from mithril ingot.
- Power 1.7
- Durability 512
- Range 3
Antanium Sword
Made from antanium ingot.
- Power 2
- Durability 448
- Range 3
Worm Sword
Made from Two Wormskins, Two Iron bars, and One Iron Sword.
(to make a red worm sword, exchange the blue wormskin for red)
- Power 1.4
- Durability 128
- Range 2
Ice Sword
Made from two O-Ice Shards and 3 O-Gold Ingots, like all ice weapons this sword has a chance to freeze mobs.
- Power 1-5 (varies on each mob)
- Durability ?
- Range 2
Special Swords
Golem Sword
5% chance of dropping from a O-Stone Golem
- Power 3.2
- Durability 64
- Range 1
Soul Splitter
There is a 0.1% chance of it dropping from all the walking skeletons
- Power 2.4
- Durability 96
- Range 3
Rib Knife
There is a 5% chance of one dropping from a graveyard chest, and a 0.1% chance of dropping from a O-Skeleton Mage
- Power 2.4
- Durability 96
- Range 3
Pharaoh Staff
There is a 10% chance of one dropping from a O-Mummy Pharaoh
- Power 2.8
- Durability 64
- Range 1
Zombie Arm
There is a 10% chance of one dropping from a O-Zombie
- Power 1
- Durability 30
- Range 1