Dig Mastering

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The Potion of Dig Mastering increases your Break Multiplier by 40%. It also increases your effectiveness of using shovels on appropriate (i.e. dirt or sand) blocks by 25%. (e.g. a block of dirt that normally took you 4 hits to dig up, now only needs 3 hits to dig up.)


Potion of Dig Mastering is created by combining the reagents in the exact order shown below (Swapping the first and second reagents will cause you to end up with a Useless Mixture). Note: If the third reagent slot is shown empty, this means that any reagent can be placed in that slot (You still need to have all three reagent slots filled to be able to create a potion).

Acid Essence + Purple Chili

Acid Essence + Water Essence


The duration of the Potion of Dig Mastering is as follows: