Brute Ogres

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There are 3 different types of Brute Ogres. These creatures are found on Alba and Cyro.

Blue Brute Ogre

B Blue Brute Ogre.png
B Stone.png

Found undergound on Alba. They are blue in color and have two heads. They walk slowly towards the player when attacking.


Leather Brute Ogres

B Leather Brute Ogre.png
B Stone.png

Found undergound on Cryo. They are as slow as Blue Brute Ogre. They wear leather armor with a wooden sword, and deal more damage than Blue Brute Ogre.


Brute Ogre Knight

B Brute Ogre Knight.png
B Stone.png

Rarely spawn deep underground Cryo. They are as slow as the other Brute Ogres, but deal more damage than Leather Brute Ogres
