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Birds are small critters that come in three different types. Birds are found on Terra, Large Birds are found on Alba, and Frost Birds are found on Cryo. Birds hop around to move and are easy to kill.


B Red Bird.png
B Blue Bird.png
B Magenta Bird.png
B Green Bird.png
B Yellow Bird.png
B Dirt.png
B Dirt.png
B Dirt.png
B Dirt.png
B Dirt.png

Drops: Birds have a greater than normal chance of dropping nothing.


B Pink Parrot.png
B Blue Parrot.png
B Pale Brown Dirt.png
B Pale Brown Dirt.png

They can be found on planet Alba.
Parrots come in two colors: Pink with a Green wing and Blue with a Yellow wing.


Northern Gulls

These birds can be found on Cryo. The first one is called Red Northern Gull, while the other is called Blue Northern Gull.



Crows are birds added in the 2.2.3/2.2.5 Halloween Update. They closely resemble crows in real-life however do not possess the ability to fly. They are dark-grey to black in color.


Night Owl

B Night Owl.png
B Pale Brown Dirt.png


Will eat

  • Wheat Seeds

® Denotes rare drop.