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Sheeps are tamable farm animals.
They can be bred in a sheepfold and will eat leaves, wheat, grass, lettuce and animal food.
If a ram, an ewe and enough food are present in the stable, a lamb will be born. Breeding sheeps doesn’t really have any benefits has you can’t shear them.

Rams are male sheeps. They come in 3 colors: white, brown and black. They can jump up to 1 block high.
Capturing one with a taming collar will give you either a pocket white ram, a pocket brown ram or a pocket black ram depending on the color of the ram.
Rams spawn on the surface during the day.
Once captured and put in a sheepfold, they won’t despawn as long as they stay in range of the stable.
Health: 3 File:Heart 4-4 JJ1.png File:Heart 4-4 JJ1.png File:Heart 4-4 JJ1.png
Health resets each time the world is loaded.
When killed:
(100%) 1-3 Raw Wool (White/Brown/Black depending on the color of the ram)

(10%) 1 Ram Horn

Texture & size
Rams come in white, brown and black and have 2 textures. Their walking/resting one is 21x16 pixels while their jumping one is 22x15 pixels.
Rams have 1 ambient sound: sheep-ambient and 1 death sounds: sheep_hit5.
Ewes, sometimes simply called sheeps, are female File:Female JJ1.png sheeps. They come in 3 colors: white, brown and black. They can jump up to 1 block high.
Capturing one with a taming collar will give you either a pocket white sheep, a pocket brown sheep or a pocket black sheep depending on the color of the ewe.
Ewes spawn on the surface during the day.
Once captured and put in a sheepfold, they won’t despawn as long as they stay in range of the stable.
Health: 3 File:Heart 4-4 JJ1.png File:Heart 4-4 JJ1.png File:Heart 4-4 JJ1.png
Health resets each time the world is loaded.
When killed:
(100%) 1-3 Raw Wool (White/Brown/Black depending on the color of the ewe)

Texture & size
Ewes changed textures multiple times. They come in white, brown and black and have 2 textures. Their walking/resting one is 20x14 pixels while their jumping one is 22x13 pixels.
Before v1.2, their jumping texture was 1 pixel longer to accommodate for an extra foot which they lost after the update.
Ewes have 1 ambient sound: sheep-ambient and 1 death sounds: sheep_hit5.

The lamb is a baby sheep. It’s sex is undefined until it grows adult and becomes either a ram or an ewe.
It is always grey no matter the color of its parents and once adult, it can become any color.
It can jump up to 1 block high and can’t be captured with a taming collar.
The lamb will spawn in a sheepfold if a ram, an ewe and enough food are present.
It won’t despawn as long as it stays in range of the stable.
Health: 3 File:Heart 4-4 JJ1.png File:Heart 4-4 JJ1.png File:Heart 4-4 JJ1.png
Unknow if a bug or not, but this is the only baby animal with 3 health points instead of 1.
Health resets each time the world is loaded.
The lamb doesn’t drop anything when killed.
Texture & size
The lamb has 2 texture: one for walking/resting and one for jumping. They are both 16x12 pixels. It only comes in grey.
The lamb has 1 ambient sound: sheep-ambient and 1 death sounds: sheep_hit5.
- The White Sheep was "always" in the game.
- Brown and Black Sheeps were added in v1.1 and the White Sheep now has slightly revamped textures.
- The Lamb and Rams were added in v1.2 as well as breeding, Sheeps now have revamped textures and the White Sheep’s spawn rate has been decreased.
- The White Sheep’s health has been fixed in v1.2.2.